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Datafor Installation (CentOS)

Step 1. Switch to the root user

sudo su root

Step 2. Create the 'datafor' user group

groupadd datafor

Step 3. Create the 'datafor' user, add it to the 'datafor' user group, and set the user password to 'datafor' as well.

adduser datafor -g datafor
passwd datafor

Step 4. Navigate to the directory containing the installation package and extract the package to the /opt directory.

unzip -o -d /opt/

Step 5. After extracting, go to the /opt/ directory and modify permissions.

cd /opt/
chmod -R 700 datafor-server
chown -R datafor datafor-server
chgrp -R datafor datafor-server

Installation completed.

Start Datafor

Please operate as the 'datafor' user

su datafor
cd /opt/datafor-server/

Start the service


Stop Service


Check Service Start/Stop Status

ps -ef|grep tomcat

If the command produces the above output, it indicates that the service is in a running state.


URL: http://localhost:28080/

username / password

  • admin / password
  • demo / demo

Update the System

Place the update package datafor-upload.jar in the datafor-server\update folder and restart the system.